
I'm having a really stupid class loading problem.  I have a bunch of common 
classes that I use in different SAR files.  These common classes are used to 
load mbeans and then process files based on a schedule.  Using the 

I'm having a major problem when I re-package one of the project Sar files and 
redeploy it.  I end up getting errors saying that the classes are incorrect.

So, I tried putting a classloader into my META-INF/jboss-service.xml but when I 
pass my objects to other mbeans in the app server, I get errors saying that the 
classes can not be found and that mbean fails.

So, the next thing I tried was to make one sar Directory with all the jars and 
then put all my other sars inside it so I can at least deploy my separate 
mbeans individually but they all use the same jar files.  At that point JBoss 
complained that I was not allowed to use a sar directory in the farm because It 
can't copy sub-directory files.

And now the last thing I've tried was to create a jar file with every possible 
class and put that into the farm directory.  I then deploy my sars and they all 
deploy properly and function properly.  That is until I restart the server.  
When I restart the servers, all the mbeans complain that they can not find the 

Can anyone help?  I've been working on this problem for 3 days.

Thank you,


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