If you are talking about CRUD using the Seam Framework (EntityHome and all 
that) then I believe the contact list example uses that particular method of 

If you are talking about writing your own set of CRUD pages, then there are a 
number of ways to do it. 

In the Issues example - inject the issueFinder bean into the issueEdit bean and 
get the selected item from the issueFinder. (seems messy to me)

- or - 

Use bijection to outject the selected item, and inject it into the edit bean

- or -

Use request parameters to pass the ID of the object to be edited to the editor 
page (best option for RESTful URLs) . The Seam blog uses this method.

- or - 

Use EL Enhancements to pass the object from the list page to the edit bean from 
within the datatable : i.e.

  |    <s:link value="Edit" action="#{personEditBean.editPerson(person)/>

where "person" is the var value in your datatable. You can see this type of 
example in the hotel booking app with the "selectHotel(hot)" function in the 
hotel listing page.  It starts the booking conversation and passes the hotel in 
using the "hot" variable from the datatable.

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