Hi Ron,
I guess we' ve solved the problem. Actually your hint with "reuseAddress" was 
the right way. In the Class SocketServerInvoker reuseAddress always is set to 
true, but it is set after the socket is bound. A colleague of mine found the 
reason for the Bind problem. He called my attention to the SUN specification of 

It says:
anonymous wrote : When a ServerSocket is created the initial setting of 
SO_REUSEADDR is not defined...
  | [...]
  | The behaviour when SO_REUSEADDR is enabled or disabled after a socket is 
bound (See isBound()) is not defined. 

So I changed some code in the method refreshServerSocket() to first create an 
unbound socket, then set reuseAddress and then bind the socket. And voila... it 

Shall I open a jira issue for this, or do you want to do this?

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