
I've updated to latest SEAM CVS (20070602), the improvements are good. 
Nevertheless I have some questions/doubts:

A) The method isNextExists() always returns false. I made some debug and I 
found that isNextExits() method is called  before than getResultList() (I'm 
sure it is related with some JSF Phase behaviour), this means the value of 
"resultList" property will always be null. I resolved this making this change:

  | @Override
  |    @Transactional
  |    public boolean isNextExists()
  |    {
  |       return getResultList()!=null && 
  |             resultList.size() > getMaxResults();
  |    }
I'm sure you guys have a better solution...

B) Is it possible to have a EntityQuery in the SESSION scope?
I tried to do it. But it does not work (EntityManager is closed exception is 
thrown). I think there is some reason behind it, can you make me figure it out?

C) Can I use DataModelSelection when using EntityQuery?
What I want to have is something like:

  | <rich:dataTable value="#{userList.dataModel}" var="userItem" id="userListId"
  |                 rows="#{userList.maxResults}">
  | ....
  | <rich:column>
  |         <f:facet name="header">#{messages['Common.action']}</f:facet>
  |         <s:link value="#{messages['Common.view']}" 
  | </rich:column>
  | ....
  | </rich:dataTable>

At this time I can use #{userAction.select(userItem)} only if I have a 
component which explicitly use @DataModel annotation. But it would be nice to 
have this out-of-the-box on entity-query. 

Thanks in advance.

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