"anescu" wrote : If I remove the anonymous wrote : immediate="true" part, then 
I find myself in another problem, the form validation is performed and the page 
is not sent to the server.

Placing immediate=true on a commandButton causes the action to be run during 
the APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES phase, resulting in the model update not occuring.

anonymous wrote : I also tried to use an anonymous wrote : s:link  instead, 
that would have sent me to the same page, but then I lost all the modifications 
I have already done.

s:link doesn't submit the form.

anonymous wrote : Is this a known problem with Seam? Or any other 

This is really a JSF issue.  Try also putting immediate=true on your checkbox, 
the model should then be updated (for that component only) during 
APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES.  A better solution is to use more than one form (one for 
your hide/show, another for the data entry), then you don't need to use the 
immediate hack on the JSF lifecycle.

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