Hi there,

I've encountered a strange behavior in my application. There are several 
s:selectItems on a page using s:convertEntity to display dropdown-boxes filled 
with entities.

<ice:selectOneMenu value="#{userSelector.selectedUser}" partialSubmit="true">
  |   <s:selectItems value="#{userSelector.users}" var="user" label="#{user.ID} 
- #{user.name}" noSelectionLabel="#{ares_messages.filter_all}" />
  |   <s:convertEntity />
  | </ice:selectOneMenu>

When the page is rendered the first time, the dropdowns are rendered as they 
should be. So I think everything is fine with the EntityManager.

Below the dropdowns there's a dataTable. The dataTable shows some information 
according to the selected items in those drop-downs. With a commandLink you can 
select an entry to display further information.

  |   <f:facet name="header">
  |     <ice:commandSortHeader columnName="id">
  |       <h:outputText value="#{ares_messages.label_testaction_ID}" />
  |     </ice:commandSortHeader>
  |   </f:facet>
  |   <ice:commandLink value="#{testaction_var.ID}" 
action="#{testactionDeveloper.select(testaction_var)}" />
  | </h:column>

As you can see I use Seam's EL enhancement to let the backing bean know which 
item was clicked.

OK. Let's remember that the page was displayed normally. Now I click on a 
commandLink to display further information resulting in a message "Error 
selecting object" in the h:message tag. The console tells me that "ERROR 
[EntityConverter] Entity Manager not found".
But why? The EntityConverter has already converted the entities from the 
database. Why isn't it possible to select an item in the datatable?

Thanks in advance

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