No tinkering yet, but I've done quite a bit of research.  

The approach I'm most drawn to is the optimized flex remoting support.  The 
serverside impl from Adobe (Flex Data Services) costs on the order of 
$20,000/CPU apparently... #$%^ scratch that.  I just stumbled on, which 
is open source, and very actively developed.  From reading the newsgroup it 
looks far enough along to be worth pursuing.  

And someone's already begun working on a Seam adapter.   Serverside, the 
remoting support needs to know how to instantiantiate client-requested objects. 
 So supporting this should just be a matter of creating an appropriate factory. 
 There's already support for Spring, so it shouldn't be very difficult to add 
this in (I'll tackle it if it isn't done when I'm at that point).

Flex WebService bindings are appealing, but the details look kinda icky at this 
point.  My biggest concern is that the bindings are all dynamically - there 
doesn't appear to be any wsdl2actionscript type aproach.  When sending graphs 
back and forth, the fragility of typelessness makes me not want to go there.  
The next beta of Flex Builder 3 supposedly addresses this (btw, that's a $500 

Anyway, I'm just posting this in case others are scoping this out too.  When I 
dig into code I will certainly blog/post about experiences.

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