"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : anonymous wrote :  It's not necessarily straight 
forward to just force several teams of developers to upgrade their version of 
Seam, and also their version of JBoss AS in order to obtain bug fixes. 
  | Well, here you actually have a much easier option: Seam 1.2.1 is part of 
the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, for which you can buy 
support/bugfixing services for a few years from Red Hat. Or, because it is open 
source, you can fix it yourself or pay someone else to fix whatever you don't 

This comment suggests you think I want something for free...
We like the Seam framework a lot but we don't want to be in the business of 
maintaining frameworks.  We are, however, paying customers of JBoss (now Red 
Hat) - we even sent a good number of people to JBoss world for 2 years in a row 
(no JBoss world this past summer :-( ) - so from my perspective, we're doing 
our part to be payed customers - we're not looking for a free ride.  I think I 
would be less willing to put my vote in for Seam-specific support after 
watching the 1.3.0 Alpha disappear - just too much volatility in how it evolves.

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