Michael Quigley wrote:

> All,
> Has anyone had any particular success with any open-source databases with
> JBoss? I had been interested in using InterBase with JBoss, but I've been
> experiencing a LOT of strange issues since porting my application from JOnAS
> to JBoss.
I'm using postgresql quite successfully.

> Yesterday, I was experiencing a strange issue where if I had an isql shell
> open in one window, my CMP transactions would hang in JBoss. If I ran a
> "commit;" in my isql window, JBoss would come back to life. This was after
> simply doing a SELECT in the isql window--no changes were made to data at
> all.
Depending on what the database thinks its isolation levels
should be, that might not be so unusual.

> Also, I've yet to figure out how to get my datasource to show up under
> java:comp/env/jdbc. My InterbaseDS is still being bound as
> java:/InterbaseDS. Any pointers here would be appreciated.
It will always get bound at java:/InterbaseDS, the trick is in putting 
the right magic in jboss.xml to get it mapped over where you want it.

Someone posted a recipe earlier today. Have you seen this?


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