> Is there a J2EE specified way of propagating a logged in Subject from 
> thread to thread in a client?
> I would like to do the same thing in JBoss, but in a portable way. 
> I.e., it would be best if this would work in WebLogic and other app 
> servers too.
There is no standard mechanism for this defined in the EJB or J2EE spec.
There is not even a standard mechanism for authenticating a user. It
looks like J2EE will support JAAS in the future, but as of the latest 1.3pfd
this is an optional requirement.

> A candidate solution would be to incorporate Unix-like propagation in a 
> trivial server side login module that does no authentication when run 
> from "root" (JBoss JMX).  I could store the Subject in an 
> InheritableThreadLocal and simply propagate its principals/credentials 
> to JBoss'es per-thread Subjects whenever requested.  This seems a little 
> awkward and inefficient, though.  Also, I don't want to do anything that 
> overlooks some standard approach of which I am unaware.
> Any thoughts/comments?
Unless you are the one deploying all of the EJBs, etc. that your service is
going to interact with in this fashion you don't have the ability to install such
a noop authentication login module. If you are the deployer of the JBoss
resources then you can setup such a security policy.

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