> However, in the case when the flow of execution is within the EJB
> implementation (entity), ie in a callback or remote method, is it then ok to
> pass the bean to other local objects using the 'this' keyword? Whilst the
> flow of execution is within the bean implementation then all other remote
> method invocations will be blocked, hence as long as the bean is passed to
> local objects only then this shouldnt interfere with the beans container?
> I'm guessing that it is ok to do the above, but not recommended?
In general its not ok to do this if the container is managing transactions,
persistance or security as handing out a the ejb implementation object
does not allow the container to handle any method invocation directly
made on the ejb implementation. If you have to do this mark the bean
as reentrant and pass its remote interface. What are you trying to gain by
avoiding this?

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