JAAS Based Security in JBoss:
JBossSX Security Extension Framework:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John P. Coffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 1:25 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] JAAS Tutorial

> I'm very new at using JBoss and my first task is to attempt to secure an
> existing set of EJB beans via roles and users.  I intend using a database to
> store these in.  I am looking for a good staring point.  I spent an
> inordinate amount of time looking for a step by step guide on how to enable
> the JBOSS server right out of the zip (so to speak) with the JAAS
> extensions.  I have only been partially succesfull in identifying the steps
> required.  Here is why I am confused.  It seems like JBossSX is the part of
> the product, however it looks like this is separate code that one downloads
> as per the CVS source code (it is specified as a separate JBoss Project from
> the home page).  I eventually tracked down a HowTo on the Security Walk
> Through - first cut, however the LoginModules and CD sample that are
> refereced are nowhere to be found in the vanilla off the shelf install.
> Where should I find these pieces to the puzzle and how can I build them?
> Does anybody out there have some examples on how to do this?  An updated
> version of this howto would be invaluable
> Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated
> John Coffey
> Pingtel Corporation
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