"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Have your start-node transition directly to a 
decision node.  When the process is signaled, you will go through the decision 
node and, I assume, to a page node for display.  If you are in the situation 
mentioned where you need use start-page, you I guess you'd need to find a way 
to inject the actual process instance somewhere and signal it.

That's what I am doing but the change described above seems to break the 
correct behavior.

Here's how my pageflow starts:

  | <pageflow-definition
  |   name="PaymentAuthorization">
  |    <start-state name="start">
  |       <transition to="selectSource">
  |               <action expression="#{sourceManager.selectSource}"/>
  |       </transition>
  |    </start-state>
  |    <decision name="selectSource" expression="#{sourceManager.result}">
  |       <transition name="abort" to="menu"></transition>   
  |       <transition name="proceed" to="requestPin"></transition>
  |       <transition name="chooseSource" to="chooseSource"></transition>
  |    </decision>

If the pageflow is started from this method via a POST it works:

  |     @Begin(pageflow="PaymentAuthorization")
  |     public  void    start() {               
  |     }

However, if I started via a GET (calling the above method via pages.xml) or via 
a method anneotated like this:

  |     @Begin(ifOutcome="proceed", pageflow="PaymentAuthorization")
  |     public  String  initiate() {
  |             ...
  |     }

then I get the following:java.lang.ClassCastException: 
  |     at org.jboss.seam.core.Pageflow.getPage(Pageflow.java:129)
  |     ...

which seems to be a direct result of the change described above, since the 
start node is forced to cast to a Page, which of course fails if it is a 
<start-state> instead.

Any ideas on how to start with a decision when forced to start with a page?

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