"IceWolf20" wrote : Is there a way in JPortal to directly map a JSP to a class 
as there is in Jetspeed with the MyPortlet.xreg (register and binds all Action 
classes to JSP's).

No, and I'm not familiar with why or how this works in JS. Makes as much sense 
as binding a JSP to a Servlet.

"IceWolf20" wrote : Can this same methodology be applied to a JPortal portlet?  
Can I use request variables of lists from the database to build a JSP?

Yes. Set your List as a parameter and retrieve if in the JSP. 

  | class:
  | request.setAttribute("somelist", someList);
  | jsp:
  | List blah = (List) request.getAttribute("somelist");

"IceWolf20" wrote : How can I get JPortal to execute a specific method inside 
the Action class without having to parse through the expected parameters from 
the portlet inside the processAction class (if at all)?

You can't. All actionUrls post to the processAction, and from there you call 
your specific method.

You mention "Action Class" a lot. Not sure if you mean the actual portlet 
class, or some other thing thats JS specific.

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