
  i have a one-to-many unidirectional relation. so my accessors are

    public abstract Set getOperations();
    public abstract void setOperations(Set operations);

  after a little experimentation it looks like the set members are of type

  on a related note, when i call these accessor from within the same VM things
work ok. however, when i call these accessor from a different VM i get a
reflect exception from the generated proxy. For example,

    [junit] Testcase: test_create took 3.546 sec
    [junit]     Caused an ERROR
    [junit] null
    [junit] java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
    [junit]     at $Proxy2.getOperations(Unknown Source)
    [junit]     at barbee.OperationControlRelation_test.test_create(Unknown

  i'm new to ejbs. so i was wondering if this is how things are supposed to
work with cmr. since xdoclet allows me to add these accessors to the remote
interface i've been assuming there's a mistake on my part.


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