I've been attempting to get security turned on for a project and have gotten stumped.

I can get the principal and creds back to the ejb server from my test java client. It
will even authenticate off of the jboss.UsersRolesLoginModule and/or my
own login module correctly. But for the life of me I cannot get the
server to see that i have set up method permissions.

My test client is getting a LoginContext succesfully and then just calling an echo method on the
ApplicationBean session bean for testing. When the client calls appbeanhome.create() to
get a remote object jboss spits out:

18:15:31,610 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] No method permissions assigned to method=create, interface=HOME
18:15:31,619 ERROR [LogInterceptor] EJBException, causedBy:
java.lang.SecurityException: No method permissions assigned to method=create, interface=HOME

After looking at the jboss source for SecurityInterceptor (and from some testing of my
own) it looks like the isVaid() method is getting called correctly.

Anyone see a mistake in my deploy desc?




Here's my setup:

JBoss 3.2.0, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2RC2

jboss.xml has:

This is also reflected in the login-config.xml file.

ejb-jar.xml has a big pile of beans but these are the ones i've been testing against.:


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