At 09:18 PM 1/16/01 +0000, you wrote:
>>>> Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16-Jan-01 9:08:12 PM >>>
>>I've updated the JDE to handle environment variables 
>>in classpaths and was planning on including relative paths 
>>as well. Both will be included in the next release. 
>Cool. So my code was for nothing  /8-<

Not if it has helped you. I have decided to revamp the way classpaths are
handled in the JDE in order to more easily and robustly incorporate
features, such as relative paths, environment variables, and
Cygwin-to-Windows path conversion, and now library directories. It has
simply been easier for me to implement the new features from scratch then
to try to figure out how what you have done fits into the new classpath
code, especially as you seem to be focusing on compilation while classpath
handling is also used by the JDE's run, debug, beanshell, and javadoc
generation commands.

>>Now, at Jason's prompting, I'll probably also add the ability
>>to include all the jar/lib files in the directories specified by
>Why? Why not just use extdirs? It's already there and that's what the
>Ant thing means as far as I udnerstand.

I'm not familiar with extdirs. I believe Ant allows you to specify a
directory and one or more regular expresions for including or excluding
files from that directory. I may try to duplicate that capability in a
customization variable setting, i.e., you would be able to specify
something like


  Directory Path: d:/foo/bar
    Include: in*.jar
    Include: fo*.zip
    Exclude: ex*.jar

- Paul

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