At 06:29 PM 1/17/01 +0100, Sherley BROTHIER wrote:
>I've just installed jde 2.2.6 under xemacs 21.1.12 on a Linux box.
>Installation was Ok and everything seems to be OK: that's a great
>However, I've got a strange behavior when I try to use completion across
>Imagine the following example using 2 files (Package).
>package foo1;
>public class foo1 {
>       public foo1()
>       {
>       }
>       public string meth1() {
>       }
>import foo1;
>package foo2;
>public class foo2 {
>       ...
>   foo1 obj = new foo1();
>   obj.
>       ^
>If I try to ask for completion (Mx jde-comple-at-point) I've got the
>following message "Could not find type of obj, check if foo1 is in
>import statement"
>Moreover, if I try to (force) import foo1, using Mx
>jde-import-find-and-import, I've got the followin message "skipping:
>already imported foo1)!!!
>Thus, is there any way (or beta code) to have completion across my own
>packages ?

Completion works only for compiled classes in jde-global-classpath when the
Beanshell starts the first time you try to do completion. This is discussed
in the user guide under completion.

- Paul

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