At 02:44 AM 2/17/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>I have made sure my source files are there, and made sure 
>jde-db-source-directories points to them in the manner you specified in the 
>jdb debugging guide. But I am still getting strange behavior when I debug.
>When I try to debug with jdb, everthing works fine until I need to step into 
>a different source file. Sometimes jde (in the case of jdk source) just 
>skips the call entirely as if I was doing a step over. 

This is a "feature" of the new JPDA-based version of jdb. It includes a
filter to skip stepping into JDK classes. This is to avoid such annoyances
as stepping into ClassLoader methods eveytime an object of a new type is

>Other files jde will 
>bring up, reposition the arrow, and then give me an error message saying it 
>can't find the file that it's showing me. Frequently I am allowed to step 
>into one source file and not into another, even though the source files are 
>in the same source package.
>The errors I get are always like this:
>Error: could not find See 
>I would appreciate any help you can give me.

It appears that jde-db-source-directories is set in your project file but
not in your .emacs file. As you step into source directories that are not
in the current project, the value of jde-db-source-directories will be
reset to the default value (nil) or the value in the .emacs file due to
project context-switching. This is a bug that I have fixed in the case of
JDEbug but not yet for the jdb interface. I suggest that as a workaround,
you provide a setting for jde-db-source-directories in your .emacs file
that includes all source directories you may ever step into.

- Paul

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