At 07:29 PM 3/21/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>I stand corrected - the depend task works exactly as Mark says it does.
>Mark, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Nevertheless, the Ant depend task admittedly does not detect all
dependencies. I therefore question its value. I would not want to rely on a
build program that could result in an invalid build or have to continually
evaluate changes that I make to the source to determine their impact on the
validity of the build program.

I guess you could say that the Ant depend task, though not perfect, does a
better job of dependency analysis than javac and thus could be used like
javac, i.e, compile and if the app works, fine. If not, recompile
everything to make sure that the problem is not due to dependency analysis
failures. I find that javac dependency analysis is good enough for most
compiles and I only occasionally have to rebuild the entire application. So
I'm not sure there would be much motivation for me to go to the trouble of
setting up an Ant build based on the Ant depend task.

- Paul

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