At 11:35 AM 3/28/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>I was trying to get JDEBug to work for me. My environment is Windows-NT 4
>(SP 6) Laptop with jdk-1.3.0_02,
>xemacs-21.2.12, jde-2.2.7b4, and cygwin32 incl. bash shell.
>After manually copying the ./classic binaries to some *very special* place
>described in my NT-registry, 
>I started to inspected some  lisp code and detected some code that prevented
>the debuggee application from launching.
>The classpath arg is malformed in (defmethod jde-dbs-debugger-start ...),
>file jde-dbs.el, line 842 ff,
>because jde-convert-cygwin-path does NOT convert multiple paths that are
>concatened in one string.
>The *JDEBug* windows shows a call
>java -classpath
>.jar;\\d\jdk1.3.0_02\lib\tools.jar jde.debugger.Main
>This call fails because the second classpath part has wrong pathname syntax:
>'\\d\' instead of  'd:\'.

Hi Jurgen,

I converted the JDE several beta releases ago to use a common set of path
conversion/expansion functions. I forgot to convert jde-dbs-debugger-start.
Thanks to you, I have now done this. You can obtain an updated copy of
jde-dbs.el from

Please let me know if you have any problem with the updated function.

- Paul

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