As someone who's thought about learning elisp, I'd say your first effort
sets a high standard!  :)

I have a suggested modification:  I think the line

           "find %s %s -type f | xargs grep %s -n \"%s\""

is improved by this

           "find %s %s -type f | xargs grep %s -n \"%s\" /dev/null"

(not sure if you need to escape the slashes.)

This way, grep won't miss any hits in the last file that find produces.

Also, I think there is a way to handle file names with spaces in them by
using a print0 argument to find, but I have never been able to get that to
work on my NT / cygwin box.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guillaume Berche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:50 AM
> Subject: CONTRIB: recursive search in files of the current 
> JDE project 
> Hello,
> I eventually got some time to spend learning emacs-lisp (by 
> the way the
> elisp-introduction available at
> is
> really a great document to start learning elisp), and finally started
> implementing a new feature that I had been wishing the JDE to have.
> So attached, it my first lisp function to search a string into all of
> the current JDE project files. It is merely a customization of the
> standard "grep" command to use the JDE customization variables (mainly
> the path to the source files). Please let me know what you 
> think and how
> to improve it!
> To use it, include the file in your .emacs file (after 
> loading the jde)
> and type "M-x jde-grep-find"
> Its behavior can be customized, type "C-h f jde-grep-find" 
> for details.
> Cheers,
> Guillaume.

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