> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:45 AM


> trying out more of the commands and helping with debugging. My favorite
> command would be a fully functional "evaluate expression". I know you
> have said in the past that JPDA doesn't support this, but there must be
> some way to at kludge it as I know of other JPDA based debuggers, e.g.
> JBuilder Professional, that support this functionality.

My apologies if this has been thought of, but it seems like a perfect fit
and a relatively quick implementation to simply use the beanshell (or some
subset of the beanshell classes) inside the same JVM as JDEbug for
expression evaluation.  Of course, now that I've mentioned it, I should
probably put my money where my mouth is and code it up myself.  Maybe if I
get time...  Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there as it seems like a
good solution with a minimal amount of new code to write.


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