Title: JDEBug vs Win2K and/or NT4: Status?
The timeout problem still happens to me on Windows 2000 SP1.  It does not happen on Windows 2000 without SP1.
In the Messages buffer: No response to command 1. (process = 1; timeout = 30 sec.)
At this point, it's pretty much dead.  There is a javaw process running, but my application is not.  Even after exiting Emacs, the javaw process remains behind as an orphan....
Martin Dickau, ByAllAccounts
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: JDEBug vs Win2K and/or NT4: Status?

Hi all,

I see in the mail-traffic that Paul K has changed the JDEBug code to avoid
setting priority on the thread when launching the debuggee process, in an
effort to cure the problems with deadlocking at launch.

What has not appeared is any user report of whether this has helped or
cause the problems to go away. Has anyone tried this yet with Win2K
and/or NT 4? And if so, what experience have y'all had?


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