Hello Scott,

> I'd like to find the cause of the problem, though, rather than
> finding a workaround.

Setting `font-lock-maximum-decoration' is not really a workaround ;-)

> Is there something wrong with my code?  Am I not understanding the
> configuration correctly?  Is this a bug in JDE?
> I'll repost my code below:
> (defun my-jde-mode-hook ()
>   (message "my-jde-mode-hook function executed")
>   (custom-set-variables
>    '(jde-use-font-lock nil))
>   (custom-set-faces)
> )
> (add-hook 'jde-mode-hook 'my-jde-mode-hook)

I think it suffice to customize the variable `jde-use-font-lock' to
set its default value to nil.  There is no need of a `jde-mode-hook'
for that.

> And here's the message that I get:
> jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...empty

This is a normal message and you can safely ignore it.  It just tells
you that you have not installed the file to highlight Java API class

But I agree with you just setting `jde-use-font-lock' to nil should
suffice to use standard `java-mode' rules for syntax hilighting.  And
this does not work with current implementation :-(

Attached you will find a new version of jde-java-font-lock.el
including a fixed implementation of the `java-mode-hook':
`jde-setup-syntax-coloring' .  I tested it with GNU Emacs 20.7 and 21,
and XEmacs 21.1 and 21.4.

I think the new behavior is cleaner:

- If `jde-use-font-lock' is non-nil the JDE completely handles font
  lock setup and installs the extra level of fontification in

- If `jde-use-font-lock' is nil the JDE does nothing by itself and
  just delegates syntax coloring setup to standard `java-mode'.

Also you must comment out the following unneeded lines in
`jde-mode-internal' (in jde.el):

  ;; Run via a `java-mode-hook' (see jde-java-font-lock.el).
  ;; (if jde-use-font-lock
  ;;    (jde-setup-syntax-coloring))

Thank you for your advice.

;;; jde-java-font-lock.el -- Extra level font locking for java

;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by David Ponce

;; Author: David Ponce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;; Maintainer: David Ponce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;;             Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;; Created: September 28 1998
;; Keywords: java, tools
;; VC: $Id: jde-java-font-lock.el,v 1.6 2001/06/05 04:54:49 paulk Exp $

;; This file is not part of Emacs

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:
;; Adds some extra level font locking for java in `jde-mode'.
;; - Numbers are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-number-face'.
;; - Packages in package and import statements are fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-package-face'.  Last '*' of imported packages
;;   are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-number-face'.  Last type
;;   identifiers of imported packages are fontified with
;;   `font-lock-type-face'.
;; - Modifiers are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face'.
;; - Keywords const and goto are fontified with
;;   `font-lock-warning-face'.  These keywords are reserved, even
;;   though they are not currently used.
;; - Keywords super, this and default are fontified with
;;   `font-lock-keyword-face'.
;; - User's defined identifiers (see variable
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-api-file') are fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-api-face'.
;; - Capitalized identifiers and special constants null, true and
;;   false are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-constant-face'.
;; - Text between `' in comments and javadoc tags (including non
;;   official javadoc tags) are fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face'.
;; - Javadoc links (following @link tags or enclosed in HTML <a> tags)
;;   are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-link-face'
;; - Javadoc code samples (enclosed in HTML <code> tags or following
;;   @see tags) are fontified with `jde-java-font-lock-code-face'.
;; - Javadoc HTML bold and strong styles are fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-bold-face'.
;; - Javadoc HTML italic and emphasized styles are fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-italic-face'.
;; - Javadoc HTML underlined style is fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-underline-face'.
;; - Javadoc HTML preformatted style is fontified with
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-pre-face'.
;; All font-lock and jde-java-font-lock faces are individually
;; customizable.  jde-java-font-lock faces are in the customization
;; group `jde-java-font-lock-faces' which is a sub group of
;; `font-lock-highlighting-faces' (Emacs) or `font-lock-faces'
;; (XEmacs).

;; This code has been tested with FSF Emacs 20.7, 21.0 and XEmacs
;; 21.1.  Any comments, suggestions, bug reports or upgrade requests
;; are welcome.  Please send them to the maintainers.

;; WARNING: It seems there is byte-code compatibility issues between
;; Emacs and XEmacs.  When using Emacs byte-code on XEmacs font
;; locking don't work correctly for some complex matchers like those
;; used to highlight imported package name :-)

;;; History:
;; See at end of this file.

;;; Code:
(require 'font-lock)

(defcustom jde-use-font-lock t
  "*Turn on font-locking if non-nil.
Set to nil to disable the use of font-locking."
  :group 'jde-project
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom jde-java-font-lock-max-names-by-regexp
  (if (featurep 'xemacs) 200 0)
  "*Maximum number of user defined names that one regexp can match.
No limit if less than 1.

WARNING: It seems XEmacs search fails with a very long regexp.  So the
XEmacs default limits is 200.  No limit for Emacs."
  :group 'jde-project
  :type 'integer)

;;;; Define the faces

(defgroup jde-java-font-lock-faces nil
  "Specific JDE faces for highlighting Java sources."
  :prefix "jde-java-font-lock-"
  :group (if (featurep 'xemacs)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-number-face
  '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "DimGray" :italic t))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightGray" :italic t))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "RosyBrown"))
    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSalmon"))
    (t (:italic t)))
  "Font Lock mode face used to highlight numbers."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-constant-face
  '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "magenta"))
    (((class grayscale) (background light))
     (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t :underline t))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark))
     (:foreground "Gray50" :bold t :underline t))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "CadetBlue"))
    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Aquamarine"))
    (t (:bold t :underline t)))
  "Font Lock mode face used to highlight constants."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-api-face
  '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "DimGray"))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightGray"))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "dark goldenrod"))
    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "light goldenrod")))
  "Font Lock mode face used to highlight user's defined names."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-link-face
  '((t (:foreground "blue" :italic nil :underline t)))
  "Font Lock mode face used to highlight links."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-package-face
  '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "steelblue1"))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "blue3"))
    (t (:underline t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight packages."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face
  '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "light coral"))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green4"))
    (t (:bold t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight doc tags."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face
  '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "blue" :weight light))
    (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t))
    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Orchid"))
    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSteelBlue"))
    (t (:bold t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight modifiers."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-bold-face
  '((t (:bold t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight HTML bold text style."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-italic-face
  '((t (:italic t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight HTML italic text style."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-underline-face
  '((t (:underline t)))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight HTML underlined text style."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-pre-face
  '((t nil))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight HTML preformatted text style."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

(defface jde-java-font-lock-code-face
  '((t nil))
  "Font Lock Mode face used to highlight HTML program code style."
  :group 'jde-java-font-lock-faces)

;; Define the extra font lock faces
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-number-face    'jde-java-font-lock-number-face
  "Face name to use for numbers.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-constant-face  'jde-java-font-lock-constant-face
  "Face name to use for constants.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-package-face   'jde-java-font-lock-package-face
  "Face name to use for packages.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face  'jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face
  "Face name to use for modifiers.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-api-face       'jde-java-font-lock-api-face
  "Face name to use for user's defined names.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face   'jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face
  "Face name to use for doc tags.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-link-face      'jde-java-font-lock-link-face
  "Face name to use for links.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-bold-face      'jde-java-font-lock-bold-face
  "Face name to use for HTML bold text style.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-italic-face    'jde-java-font-lock-italic-face
  "Face name to use for HTML italic text style.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-underline-face 'jde-java-font-lock-underline-face
  "Face name to use for HTML underlined text style.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-pre-face       'jde-java-font-lock-pre-face
  "Face name to use for HTML preformatted text style.")
(defvar jde-java-font-lock-code-face      'jde-java-font-lock-code-face
  "Face name to use for HTML program code style.")

;;;; Useful constants

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter
  "Java identifier capital letter.")

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-letter
  (concat jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter "a-z")
  "Java identifier letter.")

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter-or-digit
  (concat jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter "0-9")
  "Java identifier capital letter or digit.")

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-letter-or-digit
  (concat jde-java-font-lock-letter "0-9")
  "Java identifier letter or digit.")

;;;; Support for fontification inside javadocs and comments.

;; Define font lock keywords for comments and javadocs only
(defun jde-java-font-lock-remove-javadoc-keywords (keywords)
  "Remove existing javadoc font lock keywords from KEYWORDS.
That is those with \"@\" in their matcher regexp."
  (let (kw matcher)
    (while keywords
      (setq matcher  (car keywords)
            keywords (cdr keywords))
      (if (not (and (consp matcher)
                    (stringp (car matcher))
                    (string-match "@" (car matcher))))
          (setq kw (cons matcher kw))))
    (nreverse kw)))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-in-javadoc-p ()
  "Return non-nil if point is in a javadoc comment."
  (let* ((p (point))
            (and (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*/\\*\\*" nil t)
                 (skip-chars-forward " \t" p)
                 (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face)
                 (forward-comment 1)
                 (< p (point))))))
    (goto-char p)

(defun jde-java-font-lock-search-in-comment (regexp end)
  "Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
Ensure matching occurs in a java comment.  Buffer position END bounds
the search.  The match found must not extend after that position."
  (let (in-comment-p)
    (while (and (not in-comment-p)
                (re-search-forward regexp end t))
      (setq in-comment-p
            (eq (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'face)

(defun jde-java-font-lock-search-in-javadoc (regexp end)
  "Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
Ensure matching occurs in a javadoc comment.  Buffer position END
bounds the search.  The match found must not extend after that
  (let (in-javadoc-p)
    (while (and (not in-javadoc-p)
                (re-search-forward regexp end t))
      (setq in-javadoc-p (jde-java-font-lock-in-javadoc-p)))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-quote-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for comment enclosed in \`\'."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-ahref-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML A HREF anchor.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-link-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-bold-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML B and STRONG style.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       , (concat "<\\([Bb]\\|[Ss][Tt][Rr][Oo][Nn][Gg]\\)>"
    2 jde-java-font-lock-bold-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-italic-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML I and EM style.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    2 jde-java-font-lock-italic-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-underline-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML U style.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-underline-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-code-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML CODE style.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-code-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-html-pre-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for HTML PRE style.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-pre-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-tag-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc tags.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       ,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\*\\|\\*?\\)[ \t]*"
                "\\(@[" jde-java-font-lock-letter-or-digit "]+\\)")
    2 jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-docroot-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc @docRoot tags.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
    1 jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-link-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc @link tags.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       "{\\(@link\\)\\>[ \t]+\\([^}]*\\)}"
    (1 jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face t)
    (2 jde-java-font-lock-link-face t)))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-see-ref-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc @see references.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       ,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\*\\|\\*?\\)[ \t]*"
                "@see\\>[ \t]*"
                "\\([.#" jde-java-font-lock-letter-or-digit "]+\\)")
    2 jde-java-font-lock-code-face t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-param-name-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc @param names.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       ,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\*\\|\\*?\\)[ \t]*"
                "@param\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?")
    2 font-lock-variable-name-face prepend t))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-javadoc-exception-type-keyword ()
  "Return a font lock keyword for javadoc exception types.
Only fontify javadoc comments."
  `((lambda (end)
       ,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(/\\*\\*\\|\\*?\\)[ \t]*"
                "@\\(exception\\|throws\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\S-+\\)?")
    3 font-lock-type-face prepend t))

;;;; Support for fontification of user's defined names.

(defcustom jde-java-font-lock-api-file
  (expand-file-name "~/jde-java-font-lock.api")
  "*File which contains a list of user's defined names to fontify.
If nil no name fontification occurs.  Otherwise the specified file must
contain one name by line.  Lines not beginning with a letter are
ignored.  When you change this file or modify its content a new cache
of font lock regular expressions will be rebuilt when restarting
Emacs.  Also, you can manually rebuild the cache and update font lock
keywords by entering the command:

\\[universal-argument] \\[jde-java-font-lock-setup-keywords]."
  :group 'jde-project
  :type '(choice :tag "Names"
                 (const :tag "No" nil)
                 (file  :tag "In file" :format "%t\n%v")))

(defcustom jde-java-font-lock-api-name-filter nil
  "*Function used to filter a name."
  :group 'jde-project
  :type 'function)

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-api-entry-regexp
  (concat "^[" jde-java-font-lock-letter "]"
          "[" jde-java-font-lock-letter-or-digit "]+$")
  "Regexp to match a valid entry in `jde-java-font-lock-api-file'.")

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-api-entry-match 0
  "Index of the match data in `jde-java-font-lock-api-entry-regexp'.")

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-names (&optional filter)
  "Return the list of names in `jde-java-font-lock-api-file'.
If optional FILTER function is non-nil it is called for each name
found and must return non-nil to include it in the result list."
  (let (k kl)
    (if (and jde-java-font-lock-api-file
             (file-readable-p jde-java-font-lock-api-file))
          (insert-file-contents jde-java-font-lock-api-file)
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (while (re-search-forward jde-java-font-lock-api-entry-regexp nil t)
            (setq k (match-string jde-java-font-lock-api-entry-match))
            ;; Allow filtering of names
            (if (or (null filter) (funcall filter k))
                (setq kl (cons k kl))))))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-split-list (l n)
  "Split list L in sub listes of N elements.
If L is nil return nil.  If N is less than 1 all elements will be in
one sub list."
  (if l
      (if (<= n 0)
          (list l)
        (let (split-list sub-list i)
          (while l
            (setq i 0 sub-list nil)
            (while (and l (< i n))
              (setq sub-list (cons (car l) sub-list)
                    i        (1+ i)
                    l        (cdr l)))
            (if sub-list
                (setq split-list (cons sub-list split-list))))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-build-regexps (max-matches)
  "Build regular expressions matching names to fontify.
MAX-MATCHES is the maximum number of names that one regular expression
will match.  If MAX-MATCHES is less than 1 one regular expression will
match all the names."
  (let ((max-specpdl-size 2000)) ;; Prevent errors in `regexp-opt'
                                 ;; when processing long string listes
    (mapcar (function
             (lambda (k)
               (concat "\\<" (regexp-opt k t) "\\>")))

(defvar jde-java-font-lock-api-cache nil
  "Cache of regular expressions matching names to fontify..")

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-cache-file ()
  "Return the filename of the regular expressions cache.
There is a different cache file for each major version of (X)Emacs
because of incompatible regular expressions returned by `regexp-opt'."
  (and jde-java-font-lock-api-file
       (format "%s.%semacs-%d.apicache"
               (if (featurep 'xemacs) "x" "")

(defconst jde-java-font-lock-api-cache-file-header
  ";;; Regular expressions matching names to fontify.
;;; Automatically generated by `jde-java-font-lock' on %s.
  "Header to be written into the cache file.")

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-regexps (&optional rebuild)
  "Return regular expressions matching names to fontify.
The list is cached in variable `jde-java-font-lock-api-cache'.  If it
is nil try to initialize it from the cache file (see function
`jde-java-font-lock-api-cache-file').  If optional REBUILD flag is
non-nil or there is no cache file or the cache file is older than the
names file (see variable `jde-java-font-lock-api-file'), a new cache
is created."
  (let ((cache (jde-java-font-lock-api-cache-file)))

     ;; Inconditionnal rebuild
      ;; Clear the cache to rebuild
      (setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache nil))

     ;; No names file exists
     ((null cache)
      ;; Clear the cache (no fontification)
      (setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache nil))
     ;; A cache file exists
     ((file-readable-p cache)
      (if (file-newer-than-file-p jde-java-font-lock-api-file cache)
             "jde-java-font-lock: names file %s newer than cache file %s"
             jde-java-font-lock-api-file cache)
            ;; The api file has been modified since the cache was
            ;; created, so clear the cache to rebuild
            (setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache nil))
        ;; Try to load the existing cache if needed
        (or jde-java-font-lock-api-cache
            (condition-case nil
                (load-file cache)
              ;; If load fails clear the cache to rebuild
               (setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache nil)))))))

    (or jde-java-font-lock-api-cache
        (not cache)
        ;; Build a new cache if it is empty and available
          (message "jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...")
          (when (setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache
            ;; Save regexps in cache
            (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect cache)
               (format jde-java-font-lock-api-cache-file-header
               (format "(setq jde-java-font-lock-api-cache '%S)"
              (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
          (message "jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...%s"
                   (if jde-java-font-lock-api-cache "done" "empty"))))

(defun jde-java-font-lock-api-keywords (&optional rebuild)
  "Return a list of font lock keywords for user's defined names.
If optional REBUILD flag is non-nil create a new cache of regular
  (mapcar (function
           (lambda (k)
             (cons k 'jde-java-font-lock-api-face)))
          (jde-java-font-lock-api-regexps rebuild)))

;;;; Font lock setup.

(defvar java-font-lock-keywords-4 nil
  "Extra level fontification keywords for JDE mode.")

(defun jde-java-font-lock-refontify ()
  "Update fontification of buffers in `java-mode' and `jde-mode'."
  (let ((l (buffer-list))
    (while l
      (setq b (car l)
            l (cdr l))
      (if (buffer-live-p b)
          (with-current-buffer b
            (if (and font-lock-mode
                     (memq major-mode '(java-mode jde-mode)))
                   "jde-java-font-lock: updating fontification of buffer %s..."
                  (font-lock-mode nil)
                  (font-lock-mode 1)
                   "jde-java-font-lock: updating fontification of buffer %s...done"

(defun jde-java-font-lock-setup-keywords (&optional rebuild)
  "Setup font lock keywords in `java-font-lock-keywords-4'.
If optional REBUILD flag is non-nil create a new cache of regular
  (interactive "P")
  (and (interactive-p)
       (consp current-prefix-arg)
       (setq rebuild t))

    ;; Feature scoping: These must come first or the Special
    ;; constants, Modifiers and Packages from keywords-1 will catch
    ;; them.
;;; Compatibility
    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
         ;; Special keywords and constants
           (1 font-lock-keyword-face))
           (1 jde-java-font-lock-constant-face))

     ;; Fontify default as keyword
     '("\\<\\(default\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-keyword-face))

     ;; Fontify const and goto with warning face. These keywords are
     ;; reserved, even though they are not currently used.
     '("\\<\\(const\\|goto\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-warning-face))

     ;; Fontify modifiers.
     (cons (concat "\\<\\("
     ;; Fontify package directives
       (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
       (2 jde-java-font-lock-package-face nil t)
       ("\\=\\.\\(\\sw+\\)" nil nil
        (1 jde-java-font-lock-package-face nil t)))
     ;; Fontify import directives
       (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
       (2 (if (equal (char-after (match-end 0)) ?\.)
       ("\\=\\.\\(\\*\\|\\sw+\\)" nil nil
        (1 (if (equal (char-after (match-end 0)) ?\.)
             (if (equal (char-before (match-end 0)) ?\*)

    ;; Fontify user's defined names
    (jde-java-font-lock-api-keywords rebuild)
;;; Compatibility
    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
      ;; Remove existing javadoc font lock keywords from FSF Emacs
      ;; `java-font-lock-keywords-3'

;;; Compatibility
    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
      ;; FSF Emacs don't fontify capitalized types so do it
       `(eval .
               (concat "\\<\\([" jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter "]\\sw*\\)\\>"
                       "\\([ \t]*\\[[ \t]*\\]\\)*"
                       "\\([ \t]*\\sw\\)")
                 (goto-char (match-beginning 3))
                 (goto-char (match-beginning 3))
                 (1 (if (match-beginning 2)
        (concat "\\<\\([" jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter "]\\sw*\\)\\>"
                "\\([ \t]*\\[[ \t]*\\]\\)*"
                "\\([ \t]*\\sw\\)")
        '(1 font-lock-type-face))
       '("\\<\\(new\\|instanceof\\)\\>[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)"
         2 font-lock-type-face)))

    ;; Some extra fontification
     ;; Fontify numbers
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
       . jde-java-font-lock-number-face)
     ;; Fontify capitalised identifiers as constant
      (concat "\\(\\b[" jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter
              "]+[" jde-java-font-lock-capital-letter-or-digit
      '(1 jde-java-font-lock-constant-face))

     ;; Fontify text between `' in comments

    ;; Fontify javadoc comments
     ;; Fontify javadoc tags (including non official ones)
     ;; Fontify @param variable name
     ;; Fontify @exception or @throws exception type
     ;; Fontify @docRoot
     ;; Fontify @link
     ;; Fontify @see reference
     ;; Fontify the text of a HREF anchor
     ;; Fontify <b> and <strong> style text
     ;; Fontify <i> and <em> style text
     ;; Fontify <u> style text
     ;; Fontify <code> style text
     ;; Fontify <pre> style text
  ;; Update fontification of buffers in `java-mode' and `jde-mode'
  (and (interactive-p)

;; Setup `java-font-lock-keywords-4'

;; Define new defaults for Font Lock mode
(defconst jde-java-font-lock-defaults
  (let ((java-defaults 
         (if (featurep 'xemacs)
             (get 'java-mode 'font-lock-defaults)
           (cdr (assq 'java-mode font-lock-defaults-alist)))))
    (cons (append (car java-defaults) '(java-font-lock-keywords-4))
          (cdr java-defaults)))
  "Defaults for Font Lock mode specified by the major mode.
Add `java-font-lock-keywords-4' level to Java `font-lock-defaults'.")

;;;; `java-mode' hook to setup syntax coloring.
;;;; Tested on GNU Emacs 20.7 and 21.1, and XEmacs 21.1 and 21.4.
(defun jde-setup-syntax-coloring()
  "Mode hook to setup syntax coloring in `java-mode' and `jde-mode'.
When `jde-use-font-lock' is non-nil syntax coloring is always turned
on and uses `java-font-lock-keywords-4' extra level of fontification.
If `jde-use-font-lock' is nil syntax coloring rules are those of
standard `java-mode'."
  (when (or (featurep 'xemacs)          ; Xemacs and Emacs 21 support
            (> emacs-major-version 20)  ; colors on ordinary terminal. 
            window-system)              ; Others only on `window-system'.
    ;; If `jde-use-font-lock' is non-nil setup
    ;; `java-font-lock-keywords-4' extra level of fontification.
    (when jde-use-font-lock
      ;; Setup `font-lock-defaults'
      (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
      ;; Use the maximum decoration available
      (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-maximum-decoration)
    ;; Turn on Font Lock Mode as needed (based on parent `java-mode').
    (let ((major-mode 'java-mode))
      (if (featurep 'xemacs)
          (font-lock-set-defaults t)
        (if global-font-lock-mode
    ;; Always turn on font locking if `jde-use-font-lock' is non-nil.
    (if jde-use-font-lock

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook #'jde-setup-syntax-coloring)

(provide 'jde-java-font-lock)

;;; Change History:

;; $Log: jde-java-font-lock.el,v $
;; Revision 1.6  2001/06/05 04:54:49  paulk
;; Minor updates.
;; Revision 1.5  2001/04/14 05:28:11  paulk
;; - All extra fontification added by jde-java-font-lock have a specific
;;   face.  So there is less font-lock implementation dependencies,
;;   greater flexibility to setup a color theme, and fontification can be
;;   kept consistent accross Emacs flavors :-) Notice that this change
;;   may require to redo some face customization :(
;; - For convenience all specific jde-java-font-lock faces are in the
;;   customization group `jde-java-font-lock-faces' which is a sub group
;;   of `font-lock-highlighting-faces' (Emacs) or `font-lock-faces'
;;   (XEmacs).
;; - Better fontification of numbers and imported package names.
;; - When used interactively the command
;;   `jde-java-font-lock-setup-keywords' automatically update
;;   fontification of all Java buffers.  This is very useful when you
;;   change your API file for example!
;; - The `jde-setup-syntax-coloring' is greatly enhanced.  On Emacs, it
;;   takes care of the current `global-font-lock-mode' setting.  Also, it
;;   no more use `font-lock-defaults-alist' (which is an obsolete
;;   variable on Emacs 21) but the preferred `font-lock-defaults' way to
;;   setup fontification.
;; - Finally, jde-java-font-lock works in java-mode too and it can be
;;   used standalone if needed.
;; Contributed by David Ponce.
;; Revision 1.4  2001/01/17 18:59:03  paulk
;; Font-locking improvements from David Ponce
;;    - You can now fontify user-defined identifiers with the new
;;     jde-java-font-lock-api-face.  These identifiers are read in the
;;     file specified by the `jde-java-font-lock-api-file' option.
;;     The JDE provides a default file "jde-java-font-lock.api" to fontify class
;;     names of the core 'java' and 'javax' packages (JDK 1.3) and servlet
;;     API (JSDK 2.0).  To enable this fontification just put this file on
;;     your home directory, maybe modify it to suit your needs and execute
;;     the command:
;;        M-x jde-java-font-lock-setup-keywords (or restart Emacs).
;;     To improve reloading a cache file of regular expressions matching
;;     these names is created in the same directory (see the source for
;;     more details).
;;   - Because the 'const' and 'goto' keywords are reserved, but not
;;     currently used they are now fontified with `font-lock-warning-face'.
;;   - The 'default' keyword is now fontified with
;;     `font-lock-keyword-face'.  This was suggested by Stephane Nicolas
;; Revision 1.3  2000/12/18 05:22:45  paulk
;; *** empty log message ***
;; Revision 1.2  2000/10/10 06:41:47  paulk
;; Fixed some XEmacs compatibility problems.
;; Revision 1.1  2000/10/08 12:53:22  paulk
;; Initial revision.

;;; jde-java-font-lock.el ends here

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