Well, I tried deleting all java source code buffers except the one I am
trying to get completion working in.  When I start up, the *jde-log* has the

jde-load-project-file: Loading h:/cvsdev/user/jrancier/Servlet/prj.el
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-global-classpath from project

Which seems correct, but the *bsh* has:

cd H:\usr\pkg\emacs-20.7\bin/
javaw -classpath
macs-20.7/site-lisp/jde-2.2.8beta4/java/lib/bsh.jar bsh.Interpreter

BeanShell 1.1a16 - by Pat Niemeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
bsh %

Which doesn't reflect the same classpath.  So I guess it's a matter of order
of reading the prj.el file and updating the jde-global-classpath, versus
auto-starting the bean shell.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Rancier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:15 AM
To: Javier Lopez
Cc: Jde-List
Subject: bean shell


Well, you figured it out.  The problem is that I have the following code in
my .emacs:

(add-hook 'jde-mode-hook
 (if (not (bsh-running-p))

Given that I use desktop, if I have a java source file open when I close
Emacs, then I restart it I am assuming that when the java source is opened,
the beanshell is started, but I guess the prj.el for that file isn't parsed?
But the class path in the bean shell reflects that of my .emacs, not of the
prj.el.  If I close the bean shell and then attempt the completion, the bean
shell is started using the correct class path.  I couldn't tell you if this
is a problem or not.  I will remove the hook to solve the problem.  Let me
know if there is anything I can tell you about my setup.

One thing I will try is to remove all the java source except for the one I
have been working with.


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