At 09:48 AM 8/7/2001 -0500, Nick Sieger wrote:
>The second case that you describe, Javier, may be more user-friendly than
>forcing the user to specify the path to IE.  It's more work for the JDE, but
>less work for the user.
>That's a lousy hack by M$ that iexplore.exe parses and receives the anchor
>but start/explorer does not.  I thought the browser was supposed to be
>integrated into the OS.  Somebody notify the DOJ...:)

I agree. Furthermore, invoking IE directly causes a new instance of IE each
time. This s very bad.

So next question. How do I create an html file on the fly that will forward
the user automatically to the correct page? Actually, I know how to create
HTML files. What I mean is, what HTML code can I use in the temporary file
that will forward the browser to the correct page.

- Paul

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