I had a problem with using Ant and JDE on win32, it looks like jde-ant.el
doesn't handle spaces in filenames , everywhere a command is built needing a
filename the string should be quoted so jde-build-ant-command should look
like this

(defun jde-build-ant-command (target more-args)
  "Constructs the java ant command."
  (let (ant-command)
    (setq ant-command
          (concat jde-ant-program " -Dbuffer=\"" buffer-file-name "\" "))

    (if (not jde-ant-enable-find)
        (if (not (string= jde-ant-buildfile ""))
            (setq ant-command (concat ant-command " -buildfile \""
jde-ant-buildfile "\" "))))

    (if (not (string= jde-ant-args ""))
        (setq ant-command (concat ant-command jde-ant-args " ")))

    (if (not (string= more-args ""))
        (setq ant-command (concat ant-command more-args " ")))

    (if jde-ant-enable-find
        (setq ant-command (concat ant-command " -find \"" jde-ant-buildfile "\"

    (if (not (string= target ""))
        (setq ant-command (concat ant-command target " ")))


not sure if anything else needs changing,

Kevin Jones

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