
I've asked this before and never got a "good" answer - Why is JDEbug so
slow......and now I have the answer - or at least part hereof.

The reason why I have experienced a dreadly slow JDEbug is because I cannot
tell JDEbug to use the "classic" JVM.

It seems that the intention is that one should just use
jde-db-option-vm-args to inform JDEbug to pass on the "-classic" argument to
the VM - but this does not seem to work....

Well, the problem is that -classic should be at the very beginning of the
commandline to be understood by the JDK 1.3.0 from Sun!!

I discovered it by accident while trying to run JSwat (another great
debugger) and here the vm complained if i had the -classic parameter
after -classpath.

So, it would be great if JDEbug could have an option like
"jde-db-use-classic-vm" which when active would result in JDEbug
inserting -classic as the first argument to the jvm which are running

With hope

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