I'm not sure why it is worth it to integrate ant in this complex way.

I just run ant from a shell which has as one parameter the build.xml file and as the other a variable parameter representing the target:


export PATH=/opt/IBMJava2-13/bin:${PATH}
export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant/
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-13
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin


ant -emacs -buildfile /usr/home/home/ralph/chaos/ant/chaos.xml $1

I set up an elisp routine to run ant from the build command

;; program to run ant in the different modalities

(defun make-with-ant (target)
"Function to run ant with different targets ....."
(interactive "sTarget? \n")
(setq jde-make-args target)

(define-key java-mode-map "\C-ca" 'make-with-ant)

And set the jde-build-use-make to true
jde-make-program to the shell
jde-make-args to none.

Now everything works without a hitch.

If I want to repeat the last ant command I just hit "build" in the jde.

Also I have full control of where to place the build file etc.

Bye R.

Stefan Bodewig wrote:

   On 30 Oct 2001, Kevin A. Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   > How do existing Ant IDE integrations handle this?

   Depends on the IDE:

   AntRunner (the JBuilder integration) runs Ant as an external process,

   NetBeans Ant module uses a front end of its own,


Dr R Jorre
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