Debian does have an older version (2.2.6) of jde packaged in unstable. Works
well for me... You might be able to use 'alien' to convert the .deb to an
rpm. Good luck!

BTW.. Tollef if your reading this, is there any chance of 2.2.8 being
packaged soon?

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Fenton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: RPM available?

--- Ben Speakmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if this would be of help to others and new users, I'll cook
> something
> up.

I've never really looked into the "power" of RPM.  I've got
some questions before I'd be willing to vote for an RPM.

- Can an RPM package figure out where an Emacs/XEmacs
  installation is?
- Can an RPM figure out what the "site-lisp" directory is for a
  given environment?

I hate to say it, but it might be better to write a shell script
for installation.  If we write it in SH, then it will
run on the Cygwin and most *NIX platforms.

The script could:
  - ask where is Emacs installed?
  - ask if you want to install to system site-lisp or to personal 
  - check permissions (can this user write to site-lisp?)
  - warn about outdated, non-RPM'ed packages (e.g. XEmacs's JDE)
  - etc...

My only concern is that RPM is (a) not portable, (b) not powerful,
(c) assumes that everything it deals with was also RPM'ed.

SH is one way to go, and would give us decent portability.  We
could instead write it in Perl or Java(!), or heck, even in

My first thought is SH because the tasks we would want to do
are easily done and SH is in most places that Emacs/XEmacs
will be.

I like Perl, but it isn't necessarily everywhere we want to be.

Java will be everywhere we want to be too (we are installing
the JDEE afterall!), but Java doesn't lend itself to these
types of tasks easily.

One other possibility we could consider, but I don't know enough
about, is Elisp!  It certainly will be where we want to be, but
does it have the types of tools we would need?

Just my few thoughts on the subject,

Greg Fenton

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