Same problem for me. The only way I can fix  it is to do the following:
- open (whatever)
- force Beanshell to start by compiling
- close
- open ==> JDeBug is in the menu now

Any ideas why this is hapenning?

Thanks, Milan

On December 2, 2001 01:35 am, you wrote:
> Hello to al.
> OS: linux
> emacs 20.7.1
> jde: 2.2.9.beta7
> jdk 1.3.1
> Upon a launch of emacs on some java source file  i do not see in the
> menus  the JDEbug  menu, yet
> '(jde-debugger (quote ("JDEbug")))   is specified in ~/.emacs  file
> The menu reappears if  I reset the jde-debugger variable in its
> customization buffer.
> Probably it is not the wanted behavior.
> Regards.
> slava
> p.s.
> upgrading jdee from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9beta  learned in a "hard way" how it
> is importarnt to keep working  .emacs  for every release,  or at least
> to comment out  all JDE custom set variables  to try a new  jdee
> version.

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