Ok, thanks for the advice. I installed jde2.2.9beta12
manually, and it is better. I also move to
xemacs21.4.9 (gamma version).

I now succeed in doing a full JDEbug session (with
breakpoints etc.), but... the "local variables" buffer
keeps totally empty. Sources are yet compiled with -g,
and I did not see any strange message anywhere. 

Any ideas ?

By the way, things are quite slow, and xemacs
core-dumps sometimes at kill-emacs()...

 --- Andy Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 
> JDE on XEmacs has been updated to 2.2.9beta12, the
> binary package will be
> available in a day or two. You probably should
> upgrade as soon as it is.
> 21.1.14 is pretty old now you should consider
> upgrading XEmacs also.

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