Okay I have some answers.  I started fresh and got JDE to work right
away.  Then I started adding stuff back in to my init.el.  Apparently
the code where I add a custom hook in c-mode-common-hook to set my own
c style is causing the problem.  Perhaps somewhere in the cc-mode stuff
it adds the association of .java with java-mode regardless if it is
already set or not.  Thanks again for the help.

Paul Kinnucan writes:
 > Hi Jesse,
 > Your initialization file as it stands will not work because it is
 > trying to autoload the JDEE without first associating jde-mode with
 > Java files. Since jde-mode is not associated with java files, it never
 > gets invoked and so it is never autoloaded. My suggestion is that you
 > first get (require 'jde) to work before trying to get autoloading to
 > work. If you do (require 'jde) in your init file, the JDEE itself will
 > set up the auto-mode-alist. If you cannot get (require 'jde) to work
 > with your existing .emacs file, try getting it to work with the
 > minimal .emacs file provided on the JDEE website. If you can get it to
 > work with the minimal file but not your .emacs file, let me know and
 > I'll try to help you diagnose the problem with your .emacs file.
 > - Paul

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