I saw your version, Jason. The current version is very similar (user the
compilation mode as well). 
Take a look at the new command, pmd-current-dir. You may want to call it
every now and then instead of calling pmd-current-buffer for every file
every time you save them (although I agree, the JVM delay is not that bad).

Actually there is quite a lot of commonality between this module, and
jde-checkstyle, and jde-jalopy, etc. Calling a Java app that redirects its
output to a compilation buffer seems to be a common pattern. It would be
good to refactor the common code into JDE. 

I'm planning to release a more efficient version (using bsh, maybe
jde-sourcepath) as soon as the next JDEE version is out with the first
version of the plug-in capability.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Rumney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 5:01 PM
> To: Abousalh-Neto, Nascif [NCRTP:3X20:EXCH]
> Subject: Re: [ANN] PMD interface for Emacs
> "Nascif Abousalh-Neto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     The emacs interface package is (so far) *not* JDEE-aware.
> I've been meaning to do something with it for a few weeks 
> now. I sent in some patches a month or so ago to make it use 
> compile-mode, so at least you could click on the lines, 
> without realizing there was an improved version in CVS 
> already (so now there are two interfaces to choose from). But 
> I also planned to modify it to use bsh if available rather 
> than spawning a new JVM every time.
> I run pmd as part of my write-file-hooks, and even spawning a 
> new JVM every time it has not been sufficiently slow to annoy me yet.

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