[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) writes:

> My coworker was so happy to tell me today that he can debug
> JSP/servlet applications with hit NetBeans thingy and that it is so
> easy.  I guess that this must also be possible with JDEE.
> I am used to doing a lot of debugging using print statements, but
> from time to time it's nice to see a stacktrace and the values of
> some local variables.  So I think it would be nice if it was possible
> to debug a web application (running in Tomcat 4.x).
> How to do that?

Sure, just run the tomcat process adding "-Xdebug
-Xrunjdwp\:transport\=dt_socket,server\=y,suspend\=n,address\=9000" to
the java command Tomcat uses.  Then you can attach.  You attach using
jdb or JDebug.

> We also have some packages which live as *.jar files in WEB-INF/lib
> but where we also have access to the source code.  Is it possible to
> tell JDEE about the directories for these packages, even if the
> running code comes from the *.jar files?

Yes, it's possible.  I do this all the time.  You don't even need to
specify those things in your JDE settings, all you need to do is to
set the sourcepatth so that JDE can match up source classes with
classes it finds while debugging.

> -- 
> Two cafe au lait please, but without milk.

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