Bryan Shell writes:
 > I'm not sure if this is a known solution to this problem; even so it
 > might help someone else with this.

I wasn't aware of the problem or the solution. Thanks for
reporting this. I'll post it on the JDEE web site.


 > I was getting this error message from every action sent from jdb: Error
 > in process filter: (args-out-of-range 0 0).  After a bit of digging
 > around in the dumped code for XEmacs I uncovered the culprit: 
 > split-string (amazing just like the the backtraces said).  Instead of
 > hacking the hell out of the code I checked the beta mailing list for
 > XEmacs and found a working patch.
 > Put it in your startup files somewhere and debug until you turn blue in
 > the face; or until 21.4.16 comes out.
 > -bryan

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