I submitted a patch to fix this... I believe it is in the latest beta of JDE


On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Ping Liang wrote:

> When using the jde-xref feature, I have experienced a problem.
> Syndrome: After jde-xref-make-xref-db, I moved the cursor to a method
> in one of my classes ClassA and did a C-c C-v a, I got this in the
> mini-buffer:
> Wrong type argument: listp, "com.x.x.ClassB"
> The "ClassB" is the super class of ClassA.
> C-c C-v n works fine.
> I took a look at the code in jde-xref.el.  I seems to me that the
> offending section is in this area:
> (defun jde-xref-next-caller ()
>  "If there are items still on the caller stack, pop the first one off
> and show it"
>  (interactive)
>  (if jde-xref-stack
>      (if (listp (car jde-xref-stack))
>  (jde-xref-goto-caller (pop jde-xref-stack))
> (jde-xref-goto-caller (pop (pop jde-xref-stack)))) ;; skip over called classname
>    (message "No more calls")))
> So if jde-xref-stack is not a list, it still pop it anyway in the else block.
> I don't understand the code good enough to fix it.  But I like the
> feature very much and hope someone can take a look at it, or help me a
> little me to understand this so that I can fix it.
> Regards,
> Ping

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