Jon Schewe wrote:

Thanks. I tried that by adding " 2>&1 " to the end of prop-args in jde-run-vm-launch, but that didn't help. Got any other ideas?

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 08:32, Matthew Smith wrote:

/I am having the same problem. If I add 2>&1 to the compile command it works OK. This just started happening since I upgraded my JDEE. Looks like some problem handling STD ERR.

Paul Kinnucan wrote:

Jon Schewe writes:
> I've noticed this problem under JDEE 2.3.4beta5 and 2.3.2 using XEmacs
> 21.4.15 on Linux kernel 2.6.5 and JDK 1.4.2_05 and JDK 1.5.0. I've also
> filed a bug report with Sun and sent this test case to one of their
> engineers.
> > If you compile and run bugs.jdk.code129.SplitDB and just wait, you don't
> have to press anything and it errors out with a code 129 when run from
> inside JDEE. If you run it from the commandline it's just fine. > > Here's the commandline I'm using.
> java -classpath /net/users/jschewe/projects/test/build/ -Xmx256m -ea
> bugs.jdk.code129.SplitDB
> > If I comment out the setIcon call in DatabaseDialog, then it's just
> fine. So my guess is that there's something with the signal handling
> when the image finishes loading.
> > Do you have any ideas as to what JDEE/XEmacs may be doing when it
> executes the java process that would cause this to occur?
> > Thanks for any input you have. Until then I'll have to resort to the
> commandline. > > BTW this happens also when running ant inside JDEE.

Hi Jon,

I have no problem running the test case that you sent from the JDEE on
Windows XP with Emacs 21.3.1. The icon loads just fine.  The problem
thus cannot be the JDEE. You say you can run the program from the
command line. Do you mean from an external shell or from an XEmacs
shell buffer? If you cannot run it from a shell buffer in XEmacs or from
the JDEE but you can run it from a Linux shell, that would indicate that
the problem is with XEmacs. If so, I'd try to find out what code129 means.


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> I've noticed this problem under JDEE 2.3.4beta5 and 2.3.2 using XEmacs 21.4.15 on Linux kernel 2.6.5 and JDK 1.4.2_05 and JDK 1.5.0.&nbsp; I've also filed a bug report with Sun and sent this test case to one of their engineers.<BR>
> <BR>
> If you compile and run bugs.jdk.code129.SplitDB and just wait, you don't have to press anything and it errors out with a code 129 when run from inside JDEE.&nbsp; If you run it from the commandline it's just fine. <BR>
> <BR>
> Here's the commandline I'm using.<BR>
> java -classpath /net/users/jschewe/projects/test/build/ -Xmx256m -ea bugs.jdk.code129.SplitDB<BR>
> <BR>
> If I comment out the setIcon call in DatabaseDialog, then it's just fine.&nbsp; So my guess is that there's something with the signal handling when the image finishes loading.<BR>
> <BR>
> Do you have any ideas as to what JDEE/XEmacs may be doing when it executes the java process that would cause this to occur?<BR>
> <BR>
> Thanks for any input you have.&nbsp; Until then I'll have to resort to the commandline.&nbsp; <BR>
> <BR>
> BTW this happens also when running ant inside JDEE.<BR>
> <BR>
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Your mouse has moved. Windows must restart for change to take effect. Reboot now? [OK] _ [Honeywell Intranet Only] *My views may not represent those of my employers

I use the 'compile' command in emacs. Then on the command line I use 'ant -emacs -find build.xml target 2>&1' I'm not sure if that is of any help. I wonder if going back to an older JDEE would help.

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