The tar file download has permissions of [76]00 for all files and
directories, meaning only root can access them (if you untar/install as
root).  I had to chmod everything to make it world readable.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 01:14 -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
> JDE 2.3.4beta6
> ***************************************************************
> *                         PLEASE READ                         *
> ***************************************************************
> *                                                             *
> * This release requires cedet 1.0beta2 or later. cedet        *
> * includes semantic, eieio, speedbar, and senator, all        *
> * packages required by the JDEE. You can obtain cedet         *
> * at                             *
> *                                                             *
> * Please note that your .emacs file must "load" cedet.el,     *
> * not "require" cedet. See the installation instructions      *
> * that come with the cedet package for more information.      *
> *                                                             *
> * This release requires version 1.2.2 (or later) of the       *
> * JDK.                                                        *
> *                                                             *
> * This release also requires avltree.el, which is part of the *
> * elib 1.0 package. You can obtain elib at the JDE web site   *
> * in compressed tar (      *
> * or zip ( format.             *
> *                                                             *
> * JDEbug runs on Windows 2000 only if Service Pack 2 (or      *
> * later) is installed.                                        *
> *                                                             *
> * If syntax-coloring does not work, download and install      *
> * overlay-fix.el from the semantic web site.                  *
> *                                                             *
> ***************************************************************
> * Moved JUnit templates to a separate package jde-junit.el and
>   added some contributed commands for starting unit tests. This
>   restructuring is preparatory to providing more systematic 
>   support for unit testing in the JDEE in future releases.
> * Configured the JDEE to always use pipes (rather than
>   pseudo terminals) to communicate with external processes (see
>   process-connection-type for more info). This change assumes that
>   Java processes expect to use pipes.  This change fixes a "Code 129"
>   error with XEmacs on some Linux operating systems and may fix
>   similar errors on Linux with Emacs.
> * Fixed Emacs interface to JDEbug so that it handles chunked 
>   responses to debugger commands.
>   Thanks to Brian Rumple.
> * If jde-run-application-class is a jar file, expand any
>   environment variables or relative path indicators in the jar 
>   file path. 
>   Thanks to Joshua Spiewak.
> * The JDEE now supports use of emacs-w3m to browse Javadoc files.
>   To use emacs-w3m, set jde-help-browser-function to 
>   w3m-browse-url.
> * Fixes bug that caused the generation of an extraneous slash
>   in Javadoc URLs on UNIX systems.
> * Adds an Import submenu to the Code Generation menu. The submenu 
>   contains all of the JDEE's import-related commands.
> * JDEE now allows the plugins directory to be under CVS or
>   RCS version control, i.e., to contain a directory named
>   CVS or RCS.
> * Fixes regressions that broke applet debugging.
> * Upgrades BeanShell from version 1.2.7 to version 2.0b2.
> * Update the class list used by completion and by code generation
>   wizards after compiling a class or building a project. This
>   should ensure that completion and the wizards work for new
>   classes and changes to existing classes after compiling
>   new or changed classes. 
> * This release includes the following enhancements to the
>   JDEE's class import wizard.
>   - A new customization variable: jde-import-excluded-classes. The new
>     variable replaces jde-import-excluded-packages, which the JDEE no
>     longer defines. The new variable provides the following new class
>     exclusion options.
>     - It allows you to use Lisp functions as well as
>       regular expressions to specify exclusion rules.
>     - It allows you to specify that a rule excludes all 
>       unqualified synonyms of a class that meets the
>       rule. For example, one of the default rules specifed
>       by this variable excludes java.lang.String as well
>       as any other class whose unqualified name is String.
>    - This release adds the jde-import-expand-imports command. 
>      This command replaces package imports, e.g.,
>      with imports of the classes specifically referenced by the current
>      buffer.
>   - The following commands now include a prefix argument that
>     causes all classes to be imported, regardless of the
>     setting of jde-import-excluded-classes.
>     - jde-import-find-and-import
>     - jde-import-all-filter
>     - jde-import-all
>   - This release includes a new import organization option:
>     jde-import-blank-line-between-groups.
>     Thanks to Martin Schwamberger for these enhancements.
> * Fixed bugs that caused inconsistent enabling of electric
>   return mode.
> * Fixed jde-help-show-class-member-doc to call jde-help-show-document
>   from the JDEE buffer instead of the temp buffer to ensure that JDEE
>   customizations are in effect, in particular, browse-url-browser-function. 
>   Thanks to Dan Katz.
> * Emacs 21.3.5 compatibility fix: Updated jde-compile-finish-kill-buffer 
>   to include prefix argument which is not optional in Emacs 21.3.5.
>   Thanks to T. V. Raman.
> JDE 2.3.4beta5
> * Made jde-entering-java-buffer-hook non-customizable. This 
>   variable is part  of the project-switching machinery and 
>   therefore should not itself be customizable.
> * Made various changes intended to make the JDEE's project-switching 
>   code more robust.
> * Fixed the following project file-related bugs:
>   - Variable that has been changed from its standard value to nil 
>     is not saved in project file.
>   - Variable whose customization has been erased is not removed 
>     from project file.
> * Fixes problem with jdb breakpoints. Opening a new java file after setting a
>   breakpoint prevents the user from removing the breakpoint.
> * Update makefile for compiling the JDEE Lisp code to work with
>   cedet.
> * Adds JDE->Documentation->Remove (jde-javadoc-remdoc-at-line)
>   command. This command removes the javadoc block for the
>   declarationa at point.
>   Thanks to David Ponce.
> JDE 2.3.4beta4
> * Replace main control flow abbreviation with a main
>   method template.
>   Thanks to Martin Schwamberger.
> * Make console buffer template conform the CheckStyle's default
>   rules.
>   Thanks to Martin Schwamberger.
> * The jde-import-organize command no longer permanently moves point 
>   from its current position.
> * Fixes the command jde-debug-where for jdb for line numbers 
>   greater than 999.
> * Fixes setting the correct stack depth when the thread name 
>   contains spaces or '-'.
> * Compatibility fix to make control flow abbreviations work
>   in XEmacs.
>   Thanks to Martin Schwamberger.
> * Adds a JDE->Code Generation->Modes menu with items for
>   enabling/disabling abbrev mode and electric return mode.
> * Remove extra space in generated get/set methods.
>   Thanks to Yoon Kyung Koo.
> * Adds the customization variable jde-wiz-tostring-static-members.
>   When on (the default), this variable causes jde-wiz-tostring
>   to include the values of static members in the string returned
>   by the generated toString() method.
>   Thanks to Yoon Kyung Koo.
> * Enhances jde-wiz-tostring to respect the coding style specified
>   by jde-gen-k&r.
>   Thanks to Yoon Kyung Koo.
> * JDEE's syntax hilighting is enhanced to support c-doc-face-name
>   if defined.
>   Thanks to David Ponce.
> JDE 2.3.4beta3
> * The default for jde-gen-comments (include comments in
>   generated cflow code) has been changed from to nil to 
>   facilitate Checkstyle conformity.
> * This release includes a new approach to generating cflow
>   constructs via abbreviations that avoids inserting the
>   abbreviations in comments and strings and thus the problems
>   that entails.
>   Thanks to Martin Schwamberger.
> * Typing main no longer expands to a main() method. A command
>   for generating a main method will be provided in a future 
>   release.
> * Remove dependency of the beanshell (therefore the JDEE) on
>   compilation-mode variables being defined.
> * Implements an electric return mode (based on jde-gen-embrace). 
>   This mode matches an open brace at the end of a line when you press
>   the Enter key. The variable jde-electric-return-p enables this mode,
>   which is off by default. The command jde-toggle-electric-return
>   enables you to turn the mode off and on regardless of the setting of
>   jde-electric-return-p. The command is bound to the toggle menu item
>   JDE->Code Generation->Electric Return.  The customization variable
>   jde-newline-function allows you to specify any of the standard Emacs
>   newline-and-indent functions or a custom function. The electric
>   return mode uses the selected function to create the new lines for
>   the matching closed brace and intervening content line.
>   Thanks to Suraj Acharya.
> * Adds the command jde-wiz-tostring. This method generates
>   a toString() method at point for the class at point. The
>   method returns a string that lists the current values of
>   the class's member variables. This release also provides
>   customization variables that enable you to specify the
>   size of the string buffer used to build the string,
>   the order in which the string lists the class's member
>   variables, and the separator used to separate the
>   variables. See the docstring for the command for more
>   info.
>   Thanks to Jeff Jensen.

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