
Recently, emacs has started to occasionally fail on jde-build. I'm not certain if the problem is even in JDE, emacs or bash. I type C-c C-v C-b and the following appears in my *compilation* buffer.

cd d:/dev/refuel/KBR_ISD_VOB/Jaguar_Plan_Generator_Component/source/Refuel/com/alphatech/kbr/jaguar/refuel/
ant -Dant.home="d:/Program Files/apache-ant-1.6.2" -buildfile 'd:/dev/refuel/KBR_ISD_VOB/Jaguar_Plan_Generator_Component/source/Refuel/build.xml' -emacs
6 [main] bash 1904 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
68303 [main] bash 1904 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to bash.exe.stackdump

Compilation finished at Fri Feb 18 15:47:26

It works for a while, but once it starts to fail like this, it will always fail until I log out. Restarting emacs isn't sufficient to fix the problem.

All the files exist, and the build works with either M-x compile (with ant -emacs -find build.xml as the build command) or from a bash shell in a different window. Has anyone seen this or have a good guess where the problem might be? I'm running cygwin on Windows for my OS.

Troy Daniels
781-273-3388 x218

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