John Russell writes:
 > I just starting writing java code again after a long time off so I'm
 > trying to get my JDE setup working again.  I have JDE 2.3.5 and
 > cedet-1.0beta3a.
 > I wrote a simple hello world program and run jde-compile. The frame is
 > split between my file and the *JDEE Compile Server* buffer which has
 > nothing in it. The message bar says
 > Buffer is read-only: #<buffer *JDEE Compile Server*>
 > and nothing gets compiled.  My jdk registry is set up right and
 > jde-compiler is set to server. Any ideas?

This sounds like a known incompatibility between the JDEE and the
developmental version of Emacs. The CVS version of jde-compile.el
contains a fix. Please note that I continue to develop the JDEE 
against the current production version of Emacs and am making
no attempt to ensure that the JDEE tracks changes in the developmental
version. I'll be glad to merge fixes supplied by users into the JDEE
sources as long as they don't break backwards compatibility with previous
versions of Emacs.

 > Also, when I type the word "main" and hit space no space is inserted
 > and the message bar says
 > Template for abbreviation main not found!

I think I removed main as an abbrev for some reason. The main
template still exists, however. You can invoke it by selecting
JDE->Code Generation->Templates->Other... or by M-x jde-gen-main-method.


 > Is my setup wrong?  Thanks for the help.
 > John

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