But I thought this thread was about jde-find, which works for me with Cygwin emacs the way Henry described.

  -- Ed

Jeffrey Phillips wrote:
On Apr 8, 2005 10:10 AM, Jeff Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For Cygwin find:
- these are valid:
 find c:/ -name "AUTOEXEC.BAT"
 find c:/. -name "AUTOEXEC.BAT"
 find c:\. -name "AUTOEXEC.BAT"

- this is not valid:
 find c:\ -name "AUTOEXEC.BAT"

Notice using the c:\ requires the period for the current directory, where
c:/ does not.

Using c:\. with period would be undefined escape sequence.  In
essence, bash would drop the backslash and you would simply be using
just c:.   .  You have to escape backslashes in *nix which would
include cygwin.  Should be using c:\\ if you wish to use backslashes.

Try these commands on cygwin and notice the similarities and differences:

   # ls c:\.
   # ls c:.
   # ls c:/.
   # ls c:/
   # ls c:\\

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