On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 04:32:35PM -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
> Charles Curley writes:
>  > On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 01:19:30PM -0400, Ed Mooney wrote:
>  > > I don't know. This may be relevant:
>  > > 
>  > >   ^H v indent-tabs-mode
>  > 
>  > Found that. Right now I have it set to nil (meaning no tabs, spaces
>  > only, the preferred style). The problem is the client wants tabs. So
>  > I'd like to be able to use tabs & not have the style checker complain
>  > about them.
> Hi Charles,
> The JDEE is set up to use the Sun coding style by
> default. The Sun coding style frowns on the use of tab
> characters in Java source files. The JDEE provides a set of
> customization options that allow you to specify any coding
> style that you want. To use these options intelligently, you
> need to know how CheckStyle works. See the doc for
> CheckStyle, which is available at
> http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net.
> A way to do what you want would be to copy the sun_checks.xml
> configuration file in the JDEE's JDEROOT/java/lib directory
> to a location of your choosing, rename it to something like
> my_checks.xml, and delete the line
>         <module name="TabCharacter"/>
> from the copy. In effect, you've created your own custom style
> that differs from the Sun style only in that you allow tabs
> in source code. Finally, you should customize the jde_checkstyle_style
> variable to point to my_checks.xml

Thank you for putting things together for me. That's what I needed to

One other item: use a fully qualified path to your custom file,
e.g. /home/ccurley/.emacs.d/site-lisp/jde/java/lib/foo_checks.xml


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