I just started playing with jdee this morning.  Here are some things
that I ran into agter installing with installation script and then
using lines from "minimal emacs file" with directory paths modified to
match paths set up bt installation script.

General comments about what could be behind some of my problems...

The installation script grabs CEDET 1.0beta1 rather than 1.0beta3 (or 1.0pre3)
I have not tried the other version of CEDET, this may be cause of some


User guide for JDEE is at 2.3.4, current version is at 2.3.5.
Some menu items  appear to have been moved or removed since the user
guide was written.  This could contribute to learning problems.

Some problems:
When first trying to edit a .java file I  got backtrace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp turn-on-auto-fill)
  member(turn-on-auto-fill turn-on-auto-fill)

I commented out the only reference to auto-fill in my .emacs:
(setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
This should not have made any difference unless some artifact of
elisp's dynamic scope, but commenting it out seems to have made
problem go away.


Speedbar problem is a bit more subtle than documented:
Despite setting up load-path so that all of JDE and associated
packages appeared earlier in path than /usr/emacs/21.3/.../speeedbar.elc
still got back trace on JDE->Browse->Source Files, until I changed
name of /usr/emacs/21.3/.../speeedbar.elc.


I tried JDE->Debug App: I get jdb command-line interface rather than a
JDebug debugging session as per Quick Tour.  (Is this just a
documentation fix?)


I am using Java 1.5 so, as per advice in recent mail message, added 
(autoload 'wisent-java-default-setup "wisent-java"
   "Hook run to setup Semantic in `java-mode'." nil nil)
to my .emacs file.  The result: a long backtrace on  C-c C-v C-.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid start symbol 
  signal(error ("Invalid start symbol class_member_declaration"))
  error("Invalid start symbol %s" class_member_declaration)
...   much omitted here ...

After this, hung on exit (C-x C-c) message in minibuffer:
wisent-parse-stream: Invalid start symbol class_member_declaration
and emacs spinning taking about 50% of CPU, had to kill -9.

So removed (autoload 'wisent-java-default-setup ...) from my .emacs


Now got C-c C-v C-.  to pop up a completion menu, unfortunately, the
line that I wanted was on a sub-menu that was not reachable from the
top-level completion menu: The sub-menu was placed below completion
menu rather than at arrow tip, with an intervening line in the
completion menu: the submenu disappeared if I tried to move the mouse
down to it (presumably because of intervening line), and disappeared
when I moved the mouse to the right of the arrow (presumably because
that is not where the sub-menu was situated).


No answers to any of the above in the Troubleshooting guide.

I am used to emacs as the one true editor.
JDEE generally looks like a good package and would be useful rather
than tripping over the odd key-bindings and shortcomings of the
Eclipse editor with pseudo-emacs keybindings.  But this much trouble
in first few hours makes me worried about learning curve.


-- Allyn Dimock

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