Sorry for double sending, but the last one was mislabled in the subject
and I didn't want it to get ignored for the wrong reasons....

Also, I have JDK 1.5 installed.  This was/is working at another site
with 1.4, but I'd have to double check just how fresh my JDE/CEDET
install is there.

I'm using a freshly installed cedet-1.0pre3 and jde 2.3.5.  I have a
method which, after C-c C-v j looks like below.

     * Describe  method here.
     * @param    value
     * @param    value
     * @param    value
     * @param    value
     * @exception  if an error occurs
    public static void setModified(Connection con, boolean commit,
                                   String tableName, Timestamp when)
        throws SQLException {
        setSomething(con, commit, tableName, when, false);

I tried running the fix documentation menubar item, but it just inserts
the same thing, although it also adds an extra @exception line....

My .emacs has the following:

    (autoload 'jde-mode "jde" "JDE mode." t)
    (setq semantic-load-turn-useful-things-on nil
          jde-check-version-flag nil)
    (load "cedet")
    (defun rbr-jde-mode ()
      (setq jde-db-read-app-args t
            c-basic-offset 4
            ;; Replace TAB with equivalent spaces
            indent-tabs-mode nil))
    (add-hook 'jde-mode-hook 'rbr-jde-mode)

Any clues on what I need to be doing?

                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            6818 Madeline Court
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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