
This is pretty off-topic for the jdev list. You should take the question to a Java community site such as:


The only really secure way to have a time-limited demo is to have a license file with a specific end date (so, the license file they download to use changes every day to be 30 days in the future or whatever). The license file should be signed using your public key, then your software can verify the key to make sure the date is correct (your code should be obfuscated so that people can't decompile it to change the key verification step). There are number of software products you can purchase that do all this logic for you. They might even have some workarounds for not using a license file, such as trying to hide an expiration date in the Windows registry, etc.


Colin Bell wrote:

Hi all

I'm trying to create a time limited trial version of my java web app. All I need to do is figure out a way to keep track of the date. ie store the date and then check it, add a day until x number of days has passed. I could just create text file, but that would be too easy to find and delete. Does anyone have a technique or tip for doing this kind of thing ? Is there perhaps an ability to store a bit of information in the JVM indefinitely ?

Many thanks


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