
I think you're simply tring to read the data incorrectly. :) What XML parsing library are you using? All of them that I know of will work just fine without newlines.

In any case, try using one of the other read methods instead of readline. The basic IO algorithm should look something like:

byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = in.read(buf)) >= 0) {


Jim Parslow wrote:
I am having trouble developing in java for the jabberd server,

I am rying to read in from a socket using bufferedreader and readline, however, this does not seem to work and it appears that jabbered does not send the "\n" at the end of it's response lines, so I am not reading in any thing from the socket, is there a way to forsce the server to send these "\n" carriage returns???

best regards

Jim parslow

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