I just telnetted to jabberes.org, port 5222, and pasted in the exact text you 
specified below.  It works fine.

Are you sure your program isn't sending an extra characters, like a null byte?


On Wednesday 19 May 2004 5:20 pm, Lautaro Cozzani wrote:
> Hello. I'm new in the list.
> First: I'm sorry, I'm not speek english so well, but i'll try to make my
> best.
> here goes the question:
> I'm in a proyect: I have to make a jabber client 100% compatible.
> The problem is that I cannot connect to any server. And i donīt know what
> happend: the first stream what i had send was:
> <stream:stream xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams";
> xmlns="jabber:client" to="jabberes.org">
> and the server response to me:
> <stream:stream><stream:error>Invalid Stream Header!</stream:error>
> almost all the times i'm  trying to connect to jabberes.org.
> it wanted to know what is the problem, or some server what is more easy to
> connect.
> thanks you
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