Hello all,

We're pleased to announce the release of Wildfire 2.6. This release
includes major new features and improvements. 

Full changelog:
Downloads: http://www.jivesoftware.org/downloads.jsp

 * Pubsub. a full implementation of the publish-subscribe protocol
(JEP-0060) is included. It supports virtually all of the upcoming 1.8
version of the spec. We'll continue to track any further changes through
releases 2.6.2, 2.6.3, etc.

 * Improved performance. We tweaked performance throughout the server,
but made especially large gains for users that integrate with LDAP
servers or Active Directory. One user with a very large directory had
initial login time go from 20 minutes (using 2.5) to 30 seconds using
Wildfire 2.6.1.

 * Encrypted passwords. A long-requested feature, passwords are now
encrypted in the database by default.

 * Improved auditing. Archiving/auditing of chat conversations is now
more configurable. The chat logs can now be kept for a specific amount
of time (e.g. two years) or a up to a certain size (e.g. one GB).


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